“Special Redemption"
You can redeem the following selected products with any purchase ^ over $300.
^ All selected products cannot be purchased separately,redemption is only available for any purchase over $300. For purchase under $300,the selected products will be charged at the original price.
*Customers will earn the Pet Coins according to the total amount of any purchase. The Pet Coins cannot be spent on the selected products,our system will calculate the amount of Pet Coins that can be spent automatically when the customers are placing an order.
* More than one selected products can be redeemed at a time. However,some selected products have limited quantities,customers can only redeem with the maximum limit.
Pawsmed 貓用呼吸道氣管順暢保養粉 50g
主成分: 蛋殼膜(蛋白聚醣)、N-乙醯葡糖胺(NAG)、甘草、紫錐花、金銀花、紅景天、五味子、黑生薑萃取物、 酵母綜合營養素副成分: 膳食纖維、雞胸肉使用方法: 可直接食用或加入日常食物中混合食用保存..
Pawsmed 貓用天然植纖排毛粉 50g
主成分: 洋車前子纖維、菊苣纖維、水解阿拉斯加狹鱈、綜合消化酵素(木瓜酵素、鳳梨酵素、角蛋白酵素、蛋白分解酵素、脂肪酵素、澱粉酵素、纖維酵素、葡萄糖澱粉酶、蔗糖酶)、酵母B群(法國LESAFFRE)、..
Pawsmed 貓用心臟免疫力全方位保養粉 50g
主成分: 離胺酸、牛磺酸、肌醇、乳鐵蛋白、輔酶Q10副成分: 膳食纖維、虱目魚適用對象: 3個月以上貓咪使用方法: 參考建議用量表,可直接食用或加入日常食物中混合食用保存期限: 未開封2年,開封後請盡..
Pawsmed 貓用深海純淨魚油滴劑 30ml
主成分: TG型超臨界萃取深海魚油、維生素E使用方法: 請按照建議用量補充,可直接食用或加入日常食物中混合食用保存方式: 請置於陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直射。未開封可常溫(<30℃)保存,開封後請密..
Pawsmed 貓用腸胃健康益生菌 2g x30包
主成分: 玉米來源可溶性纖維、奇亞籽粉、洋車前子粉、麩醯胺酸、AB克菲爾乳酸菌粉(Lactobacillus acidophilus、Bifidobacterium longum、Lacto..
【Limited 5 Per Purchase】Quantel Round & Tapewormer for Dogs & Cats, Puppies & Kittens - 10 Tablets Exp:10/2025
Extra wide spectrum wormer for dogs and cats contains 50mg praziquantel and 500mg ferbendazole..
【Limited 10 Per Purchase】VetWater pH Balanced Cat Water 500ml
This is NOT standard "human" spring water. CATWATER is the ONLY mineral-free & pH opti..
【Limited 5 Per Purchase】VetWater pH Balanced Cat Water 4L
This is NOT standard "human" spring water. CATWATER is the ONLY mineral-free & pH opti..
Showing 1 to 13 of 13 (1 Pages)