LoveMyPet Pancreas 30 Capsules
胰臟消化三酵素澱粉酶、脂肪酶及蛋白酶將食物分解成小分子之後被吸收 補充酵素可促進消化功能升級版 添加益生菌升級版添加鼠李糖乳桿菌及龍根菌更加維護腸道健康、幫助消化產品成分(每顆)本品內含30顆高單位胰..
Protexin Pro-Enzorb 60 Capsules(Random Packing)
Contains a highly active blend of three pancreatic enzymes-Lipase, Amylase and Protease, which act t..
Vetplus Lypex® For Cats and Dogs (60 Capsules)
Lypex is a unique, clinically proven feed supplement designed to help animals with pancreatic proble..
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